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There are currently no events planned at this time.


The Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance (DNA) of Southwestern Ontario (SWO) was created by a couple of wide-eyed dreamers. With the first conference and art show on the calendar, this is just the beginning. The dream is that the conference becomes an annual event, and for the art shows to become just one part of an ongoing roster of DNA events. Events that will also include markets, concerts, workshops and other opportunities for folks to come together as a community.

To provide these events free of charge for folks who are reliant on social assistance we need to pass the hat. If you have the means to support DNA on its journey to change the lives of those in its community, it would be greatly appreciated. 

There are currently two ways for you to send support. A bank account has been set up to accept e-transfers sent to the email address info@dna-swo.ca

The other option is to use the PayPal Link below. Thank you for taking the time to read this and even considering supporting the cause.